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The Growing Popularity of Sustainable Water Tanks

Aug. 10. 2022

Water tanks are environmentally friendly because they store rainwater and provide an alternative source of water for drinking, washing, and outdoor use. Using rainwater also reduces water bills and takes the pressure off the mains water supply.


The Growing Popularity of Sustainable Water Tanks

Water tanks are becoming increasingly popular in Australia and around the world, and environmentally conscious households and businesses are helping to reduce the pressure on tap water systems. Droughts and water restrictions have become the norm in Australian life and according to National Geographic, we are on the brink of a freshwater crisis; now is the perfect time to explore reducing your tap water intake, and the good news is, it's easy to do!


Fortunately, rainwater is an abundant resource that is free and easily accessible. As an added benefit, it also helps reduce runoff, which can have a significant impact in terms of flood management. So what's involved in setting up an environmentally friendly rainwater harvesting system?

Stainless Steel Water Tank

 Stainless Steel Water Tank  

Basically, you just need to choose environmentally friendly building materials (keeping recyclability in mind) and install them in the right way on your property. The main components of setting up a rainwater harvesting system are the tank (with any necessary filtration/purification system), the catchment and drainage system (i.e. your roof, gutters, and downspouts that feed the water into the tank), and (optionally) any pipes needed to reroute the tank water to your house.


First, let's talk about materials. Most water storage tanks are made of short-lived, UV-resistant materials that usually cannot be recycled into anything else at the end of their useful life and end up in landfills. Instead, the most environmentally friendly option is available: steel tanks that will last for decades and have excellent recyclable potential.


Next, is the issue of filtration and plumbing. If you're just using your tank water to water your garden and lawn, it's actually best not to filter out all the rich nutrients contained in rainwater - tank water is easily contaminated and unsafe for human consumption, but it's like plant manna from heaven, and they're not keen on the chlorination that comes from tap water, to begin with!


FRP Tanks

 FRP Tanks

If you want to drink water from your tank, it needs to be filtered through an effective whole-house filtration system to ensure safety; however, it is worth noting that the vast majority of the water you use in your home does not need to be treated because you are using it to wash clothes, flush toilets, etc. 

It may be worth using the tap water supply used for drinking, washing vegetables, etc., and using the water from the tank for uses that do not require treatment. In this case, you will need a licensed plumber to connect the tank to your household plumbing; on the other hand, if you are only using the water from the tank for outside uses, no filtration or household plumbing connections are required. It's so easy!


With a small upfront investment, you can enjoy nature's bounty, significantly reduce your dependence on tap water and contribute to Australia's water future. Steel tanks are a truly environmentally friendly option that will pay dividends for the environment for years to come while reducing your water bills in the process!

If you want to get more information about the advantages of the water tank, welcome to contact us today or request a quote.  

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